About us

Corporate sustainability

For Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard, corporate sustainability means: finding a balance between a good social policy, care for the environment and a healthy financial situation.


In care for the environment, Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard has three priority areas:

Clay extraction from own projects

In proper consultation with representatives from the involved ranks of society and in cooperation with partners, clay extraction is combined, where possible, with ‘Ruimte voor de Rivier’ (Space for the River) and nature development in the context of the ‘Ecologische Hoofdstructuur’ (National Ecological Infrastructure). Both are reflected in various Government Visions and Government Guidelines. For example, out participation in the 'De Huissensche Waarden” Foundation. Please refer to the internet site: www.huissenschewaarden.nl

Energy statement

An Energy Policy Statement, which pursues a continuous reduction of energy consumption per ton of product and improvement of the energy performance. In particular, this involves kilns and drying plants. An important motivation to work on this is, naturally, environmental legislation, but equally important are the cost savings that come with energy saving.

In pursuit of this improvement and prevention of energy consumption, management and employees of Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard apply the following principles:

  • continuously striving to improve energy performance;
  • preventing events that lead to an unnecessary higher energy consumption;
  • compliance with laws and regulations and other specified requirements;
  • regularly updating the Energy Savings Plans (ESPs);
  • obligation to carry out the contents of the ESP.

Complying with the legal standard for emissions

More information is available under the description of the production process of our brickworks.


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