Code of conduct
Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard carries out its activities on the basis of honesty, integrity and openness. We respect the legitimate interests of those with whom we have relationships.
Compliance with laws and regulations
- Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard and its employees are committed to comply with laws and regulations.
- Caprice – Steenfabriek Huissenswaard pursues a working environment in which people approach each other with trust and respect and in which everyone feels responsible for the results and reputation of the company.
- Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard wants to ensure safe and healthy working conditions for all employees.
- Together with our employees, Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard wants to further develop and expand the skills and capacities of each of them. - Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard ensures good communication with its employees through information and consultation.
- Employees are required to uphold complete secrecy of all confidential business affairs vis-à-vis third parties to the extent that this is not in conflict with a legal duty to disclose. The confidentiality obligation shall remain in force, even after termination of the employment. Management may grant exemption in writing.
Business contacts
- Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard wants to offer products and services bases on good price-quality ratio.
- Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard strives for sustainable products and services and anticipates the needs and desires of its customers and clients.
- In our business dealings, we expect that our partners adhere to basic principles that are consistent with our own.
- Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard carries out its activities in accordance with generally accepted principles of good corporate governance. We provide the shareholders with timely, regular and reliable information on our activities, structure, financial position and results.
Community involvement
- Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard is committed as a company to fulfil its responsibilities towards the social environment in which it operates.
- Caprice – Steenfabriek Huissenswaard will work with governments and other authorities, both directly and through trade associations, in developing regulations on those areas that may have an influence on its legitimate interests.
Business integrity
- In doing business, employees of Caprice - Steenfabriek Huissenswaard make objective and commercial considerations. It is not allowed to give or receive gifts, invitations or other improper advantages for business and/or financial gain. Any such request should be rejected and reported to management.
- Promotional gifts should therefore remain within reasonable limits, both in giving and receiving, and it may in any case not exceed a value of €100 and shall never take place in the form of money.
- All employees are expected to avoid personal activities and financial interests that could conflict with the interests of the company. Employees are forbidden from seeking personal gain for themselves or for others.
- Employees must ensure a proper administration of their work.
- Employees should be alert to the observance of rules, by themselves and by others.